The Arizona 900 Network

900Mhz Amateur Radio Linked Repeater System

The Arizona 900 Network is a 900 Mhz Amateur Radio Linked Repeater system operating 18 linked sites over 14 frequencies connected via All-Star. We offer nearly statewide coverage in Arizona.

CLICK HERE for the Active AZ 900 Net Repeater list

CLICK HERE for Arizona 900 Repeater Map

What we do…

We operate, build and maintain a linked 900Mhz Amateur Radio Repeater System providing statewide coverage in Arizona.


We are NOT a club, we don’t have dues and all equipment is privately owned by the individual group members.


Group members provide time, their own funds and technical skills and ability to operate this network.


We are NOT a CLOSED system and welcome all licensed amateur radio operators to utilize our system.


8/28/21 NEWS:  New Links to Southern California 900 Repeaters online!

02/05/2022 NEWS: PAYSON, AZ site coming online soon!


Mt Lemmon radio site

Technical Team / Repeater Owners

KA3IDN          NE7X         WB7BYV          K6PYP          W7BV          K9AMT        WB4LDS        KG7SS        K7ILH        K7LHR

and many others contribute to the operation of this system


Need help configuring your repeater for the 902 Ham Band? 

Want to be part of our network?



Codeplug Templates:

Default codeplugs for Motorola, Kenwood, Harris and other brands.

Our systems operates in analog FM mode, 2.5khz Narrow-band with HearClear DISABLED on Motorola radios.

 CLICK HERE for Codeplugs



Northern Arizona 900 Hub


Mt Elden repeaters

Suggested radios:

Motorola, L3Harris and Kenwood/EFJ have a wide variety of mobile and portable radios suitable for use on our network.

 CLICK HERE for the Model List



Links to modifications to Part 90 LMR radios to work on the 902 Mhz amateur radio band. Mobiles, Portables and Repeaters.

CLICK HERE for Radio Mods


Mt. Elden

CSW Communications hosts many of these repeaters for free at commercial tower sites throughout Arizona and fully supports the amateur radio community.